Friday, December 11, 2015

You Get Fit in the Gym and Slim in the Kitchen

You Get Fit In the Gym and 
Slim in the Kitchen

Since I started my clean eating and fitness journey, I have found what works for me is, to stay on track with eating right. On my journey to getting slim, it's all about what you eat! So what you're making in the kitchen is where it's at. For me meal planning is everything. It's too often that I am running around with my little ones and I am not focused on what's healthy but more like what can I hurry up and eat. I like to prep quick morning things I can eat while I am getting the kids ready for school and feeding the baby. I like to eat protein with every meal especial breakfast. I find it curbs my appetite through out the day. Egg muffins are my quick go to. I make them ahead and pop them in the freezer. I like to add veggies for more nutrition. Plus I am getting my veggies in first thing in the am. 

I added red and yellow bell peppers along with garlic and two handfuls of spinach. 

For these 12 muffins I used 7 eggs and dash of salt and pepper. You can add more or less veggies. Sometimes I'll add tomatoes or green onions.

Egg Muffins

7 eggs 
2 handfuls of fresh organic spinach leaves
1/2 of red peppers diced
1/2 of yellow bell peppers diced
1 tsp of garlic
Dash of salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Chop bell peppers and spinach. add veggies, garlic, salt, pepper and eggs. 

Pour mixture into muffin pan.
Cook for 10-14 mins until eggs are fully cooked.
Enjoy and freeze for later.